IS anyone else shocked by the amount of swear words that abound in 12A films, TV programmes prior to the "watershed" or even the streams of abuse from sports stars that pitch mikes pick up?

Are we all adopting such a laissez faire attitude that we're prepared to accept four letter words as the norm?

The Bible tells us that we must "rid ourselves of filthy language from the lips".

Like so many Christian values, this has been ignored.

Foul talk disturbs me, but far worse is the common use of blasphemous language.

It cuts right to my heart when I hear someone in films, TV or in the street using the name of Jesus as a swear word.

Why is it that we never hear people using the name of Buddha or Mohammed in a blasphemous manner?

Could it be that there's no need to denigrate these names?

MIKE LINDLEY, Worcester.