SCHOOLS, Scouts and sports centres in Wychavon are just some of the organisations to have benefited from a cash windfall.

A total of 90 groups received a grant in the district council's annual giveaway.

And this year's theme seems to have been play for youngsters, with 30 per cent of the £200,000 pot going to people providing this.

£30,000 for new hall

Cutnall Green & District Memorial Hall received the biggest grant of £30,000 towards a new building.

Sheppey Youth Recreation came next with an award of £10,000 to help build new play and skateboard areas for young people in Cropthorne and Charlton, while Pershore Tennis Centre netted £5,000 for an extra floodlit court.

A successful application was also put in by the Friends of Westlands School, which received £2,000 for a community play scheme.

Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust and Drakes Broughton & District Playing Fields Association also received the same amount.

"It is wonderful to see how many groups and organisations are striving to make Wychavon an even better place to live," said Councillor Paul Middlebrough.

"I am delighted the council can give them a helping hand so they can continue to carry out this work.

"This year we received 135 applications which went through a tough but fair selection process.

"Ninety of these have been given grants which will be used to benefit the district and its residents."

n A full list of who got what can found on P46.