CONCERN has been raised for short-sighted people in Worcestershire who put off having an eye test and risking debilitating conditions and blindness.

According to a new survey by the Royal National Institute for the Blind, one-in-three people in the region have not had a thorough half-hour check in the last two years and may be unaware of a potentially serious problem.

The results come weeks before RNIB Eye Test Action Day on Wednesday, September 17, when the organisation will be urging everyone to have regular tests.

"In the case of eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and retinal detachment, early detection and treatment can literally mean the difference between saving someone's sight or not," said RNIB's head of health, Anita Lightstone.

"Everyone should get their eyes tested at an opticians every two years, but for older people, particularly at risk of AMD, we recommend a yearly check.

The survey of more than 11,000 people was conducted by Gallup.