LAST year an enjoyable Village Get-together was held in Upleadon. The event was so successful that another was held this year. It was on August Bank Holiday Monday, August 25, from noon to 3pm and it was held at Middletown Farm. This was at the invitation of Mr and Mrs Elkins.

A steady stream of people attended and the weather was fine. The tables complete with sunshades were attractively presented and the food was sumptuous. People were able to look round the garden. a raffle was held with many prize winners with the first being Mrs Anne Shaw. Proceeds were for the village funds.

This fun day was greatly appreciated and thanks are due to Mr and Mrs Elkins for hosting such a successful day.

Upleadon worshippers are invited to attend the nine parishes service at Kempley Church at 10am on Sunday, August 31.

On Sunday, September 7, there will be an 8.30am service of holy communion conducted by the Reverend Andrew Perry. This will be in St Mary the Virgin Parish Church in Upleadon. All are welcome.

The bi-monthly whist drive organised in aid of Upleadon Over 60s Club was held in the village hall on Monday, August 25. The MC was Mr Pete Bullock and he also presented the prizes. A raffle was also held.