FREE bus passes could be made available to elderly and disabled people in Malvern.

Malvern Hills District Council currently runs a 50 per cent reduction for women in their 60s, men older than 65, and a range of people with disabilities.

But as part of a review into concessionary travel in the district, it is considering extending the allowance.

Council leader Tom Wells said: "There's a 50 per cent scheme for over-60s. There's been a good take-up but we want to go beyond that.

"We want to investigate whether the can offer not half-fares but quarter-fares or ideally free passes but we've got to look at the costings."

Janet Green, chairman of the Malvern Hills District Older People's Forum, said: "The bus service is very important to older people. Even those who have got a car will very often use the buses as well.

"A free pass would be absolutely super. I would welcome it but I would also welcome a decent bus service and more buses for outlying areas.

"Even if you have a free pass it will still take an hour and a half to get into Worcester."

The cost for other travel schemes, including dial-a-ride provision, taxi services and community buses, will also be reviewed.

Coun Wells added that he is also keen to investigate provision and help for younger commuters.

Members from the council's overview and scrutiny committee met last Thursday to discuss the plans.

Officers will report back to the councillors on the cost of extending the discount for concessionary travel at a later meeting.

No deadline has been set but it is expected that decisions will be taken this autumn.