MS PROSSER'S letter (Your Letters, August 25) took me back to the day in July 2001 when a young student from Gloucester unfortunately drowned in the Gullet Quarry.

Early on that afternoon, I was showing a friend from Nottingham around the area and we were viewing the quarry and its lake from the car park.

A number of youths stripped to the waist approached us and inquired if it was safe to dive off the cliffs. I related the sorry story of deaths and injury that have occurred there over the years, especially the danger of jumping or diving into cold water.

It was a very hot day and they were determined to cool down, so they rejoined their friends and started to get changed. My friend and I continued our walk.

An hour or so later the spectacle of the red rescue helicopter arrived and started to circle the area and I knew immediately that something dreadful had occurred.

I can only wish that I had made a stronger case to those boys on that sunny afternoon and perhaps a 17 year old boy would not have lost his life. So my message to Ms Prosser is simply that the dangers of the Gullet Quarry are not a myth and it is very easy to die even on a warm day, surrounded by friends.

BOB AMATT, Hollybed Street, Castlemorton.