SUPPORT for new leisure facilities in the Pickersleigh area has been flooding in.

Lorraine Watts recently distributed petitions to several Malvern Link shops, to gauge support for her plan to build new facilities, including skate ramps and BMX tracks, in Elgar Avenue.

Mrs Watts, of Elgar Avenue, says that Malvern Hills District Council has promised to contribute funds to the scheme if there is enough public support.

According to Brian Earp, of Mycycles, there has been a great response.

He said: "We've already had to draw up a second petition ourselves because the first one got filled up. I've heard lots of people talking about it. I reckon we've got over 35 names."

Chris Harper, manager of Harper's Bazaar, added: "Our petition is full up. People say it's a good idea."

Mrs Watts is working with Coun Pat Mewton, who covers the Pickersleigh ward, Pickersleigh neighbourhood warden Norman Barrow and community safety officer, Jenny Lawrence, on plans for the proposed new facilities.

As yet there has still been no official comment from the district council about the issue.

Mrs Watts will be chairing a meeting at 5pm next Tuesday at the Elgar football field, to discuss what the youngsters really want to see.

She said: "We just want feedback. The meeting we're holding should determine what happens next."