HARD work was rewarded at Arden Sailing Club's presentation evening when newcomers to dinghy sailing received Royal Yachting Association certificates after completing various training courses mounted at the club's training centre on the Avon at Defford.

Commodore Richard Drinkwater when presenting certificates, congratulated some 14 course members on their achievements and said that introductory courses laid on by the club served as a springboard to small boat cruising, club membership and for some, the competitive arena of dinghy racing.

James Gribble, Alex Barrett, Richard Appleby and Hayden Cole, in the seven to 14 age range, were awarded certificates under the RYA's 'Young Sailors' scheme and as their instructors exclaimed, had set about necessary tasks with huge enthusiasm. Boat handling to RYA standards was easily accomplished, as was the lesser but more intricate tasks of ropemanship.

Righting a capsized sailing dinghy was an integral part of the course, and the required 'dunking' was ably demonstrated by instructors Ralph Evans and Andrew Potts. Merriment shifted to trepidation as each trainee's turn at capsize and recovery came about.

All passed the test; some with slicker techniques than others, as was exposed by the video record showed at the presentation evening.

It was here that Instructor Ralph Evans said: "I know there's nothing quite like messing about in boats, but I think this means in boats, not under them or swimming around them."

As to what's next, instructor Andrew Potts said: "Trainees are now making full use of club-owned sailing dinghies to refine newly-found sailing skills and this is good to see."

The club's training centre, grant aided by the Foundation for Sport and the Arts and Wychavon District Council will be running further courses in 2004, but can readily arrange sail training of some kind for anyone keen to try the sport.

Ray Trace on (01386) 554109 or Ralph Evans (01432) 820374 will be pleased to assist with any enquiries.