THE inadequacies of facilities in the Malvern Link area were featured on the front page of the Malvern Gazette 50 years ago.

A resident of the Link had written to Malvern Trades Council highlighting the area's shortcomings.

"Whereas adequate conveniences including facilities for wash and brush-up and attendants have been established in the town and every other part of Malvern, no provision has been made for the Link area," said the anonymous correspondent.

"This occasions a snub to the residents and an opportunity for ridicule by visitors, of whom there are great numbers, to the shopping centre.

"People are for ever asking the question 'Where are the public lavatories?' When answered in the negative they are amazed that a health resort such as Malvern should have neglected one of the first human necessities."

The writer also took the council to task for the lack of seats on the common near the Link.

The dilapidated condition of the old Picture House in the Link also attracted criticism.

After hearing the letter, the Trades Council agreed to approach the Odeon Group to see if it was possible to get a modern cinema in the Link.