THE meeting opened with thanks to Mrs Denning for her flower arrangement. Our skittles team needs new members and a leader, volunteers are called for.

The play day was very enjoyable, and there is probably going to be another such event in the New Year, with a play to be produced later in the spring. Our speaker for the afternoon was Ralph Richardson with lots of colourful slides of Peru, a country that for the most part is 12,000ft above sea level, and severely lacking in oxygen. He described the village life and costumes, and went on to show the Inca buildings still standing after five centuries of earthquakes, Ralph's talk was enthralling and was warmly applauded with the hope that he will return again next year with another enjoyable slide show and talk. Visitors will be very welcome in the New Year to our regular meetings, as usual the second Wednesday of the month, in Burcot Village Hall at 2pm.