A COMMUNITY scheme to rid the town roads of abandoned vehicles has been hailed a success.

Under Operation Firesafe, police officers removed 80 abandoned cars from the roads in Bromsgrove and Redditch working along side town firefighters, the DVLA and the district council.

Vehicles were recovered as a result of calls to a special hotline number detailing where cars were with the relevant documentation.

"The operation has been successful with Bromsgrove and Redditch being improved as the eyesore of abandoned cars have been removed," said Sergeant Stuart McDonald. "It also means that the abandoned cars cannot be set on fire with the potential to cause danger and harm others."

He added: "Often a car that is not taxed or insured does not have an MOT and therefore can be very dangerous. The cars that were taken off the road were out of tax by more than six months so the owners had already had plenty of time to get it."

The police also held three automatic number plate recognition days, using computer equipment which recognises vehicles or drivers who are wanted in respect of a crime.

"On each day officers from West Mercia's road policing unit, a dog handler and up to fourteen officers from Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest were on hand to deal with any vehicles that the computer equipment highlighted," explained Sgt McDonald.

The checks were carried out alongside the DVLA Customs and Excise and on each day about 20 people were stopped for a variety of motoring offences.

Eight people were arrested including two for theft and four for drink or disqualified driving.

"The scheme was such a success we will be meeting shortly to start planning for next year," said Sgt McDonald.