PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in King George's Hall.

Parking along Back Lane by parents remains a problem despite a letter written to parents by the primary school's headmaster. It may be necessary to take a few car registration numbers and hand them into the school, for those owners to be spoken to. The problem is being monitored.

The Christmas Carol service has been arranged.

The tree for the Plantation is due on December 14 at 10.30am and several councillors have volunteered to erect it.

Public time: Mr Lancaster suggested a 'no parking on the grass' sign in Back Lane to deter cars driving over and parking on the verges which are becoming damaged during the rainy season.

The district councillors reported that they would resist the growing of GM crops until such a time that they do not propose a threat to health or organic farms in the area.

The Plantation: Coun Watkins said that necessary work could be carried out in 2003 but so far nothing has been heard. It was agreed to write a letter asking when work will begin. Mr Chris Franklin at the Bourton-on-the-Water office and John Whittaker, the traffic manager, will be written to also.

The crazy paving path and stone kerb was being damaged more by cars parking on them, but councillors will ask if these can be repaired and not Tarmaced as suggested by a previous report.

Coun J Fawcett reported that cars are parking outside the village hall, blocking the low kerbs allowing access to the hall by wheelchair users. He wondered if it would be possible to mark these three kerbs with white paint and signs - known as courtesy markings. As work is now in progress updating the village hall, coun J Girling will liaise with the village hall committee and report back at the next meeting.

Junior Playing Fields: Two new goalpost sleeves with tops costing £49 have been agreed to. The purchasing of new items and equipment will be discussed at the November meeting.

Correspondence: A letter was read out from the pre-school playgroup requesting financial help of £1,000. It was thought that there were grants available for them to send staff on necessary training courses. These will be sought and the finding discussed at the November meeting. Meanwhile the group will be asked to submit its financial statement, which is required by any group applying to the council for help.