WHAT is it about pollution that seems to have a fascination of some people in Honeybourne?

First, the youngsters of the village clog the brook with their rubbish, so much so, that instead of it being a free-flowing stream of water, it has been a stagnant pool throughout this hot summer.

Then to add to the problem, the parish council has shown great reluctance to have the brook cleaned, even though they part-own it.

They were approached as far back as May, but no action was taken.

And so, as has been my custom over many years, being the other part-owner of the brook, I have again paid the full sum for its cleaning. You see, I personally abhor pollution of any kind. That is why I have taken the initiative.

Let us hope we see a better attitude towards the brook by everyone concerned in 2004.

M HOUGHTON, Stratford Road, Honeybourne.