EAGLE-EYED neighbours are being sought to get Bewdley's Neighbourhood Watch scheme back on its feet.

Residents are being urged to look out for one another as the scheme is relaunched by Bewdley Chamber of Trade.

Until now, only the Bark Hill area was a designated Neighbourhood Watch but the new co-ordinator Colin Billingham said other parts of Bewdley should now reap the benefits.

It will be run hand-in-hand with the radio link system, which links traders and police using walkie talkie style handsets, said Mr Billingham, vice-chairman of the chamber of trade.

He said: "The Neighbourhood Watch is not just about reporting anti-social behaviour, it is also there as a medium for fellow citizens to keep an eye on the more vulnerable in our town.

"The Bewdley Chamber of Trade has the necessary expertise and knowledge to expand the scheme and make it a very effective community asset."

Suspicious activity can be reported direct to Mr Billingham - who runs The Emporium in the town - and then relayed to the police, and other traders, via the radio link system.

Residents who want join the scheme can contact Mr Billingham on 01299 402453.