ON Remembrance Sunday, former parishioners who had lost their lives in the course of military service were honoured at a ceremony held at the churchyard war memorial at 10.45am and again at 10.55am at St Mary's Church, followed by a service of remembrance.

The St Mary's Choir sang an anthem, Who Can Sound the Depths of Sorrow? by Graham Kendrick and Alex Thompson, treble, sang Purcell's Thou Knowest Lord, accompanied by Wendy Thompson.

On Sunday (November 16) Bridge Builders, the benefice Sunday school for 5-12 year olds, will be meeting at Longdon Vicarage from 11.15am-12.30pm.

The session will include songs, a Bible story, games, craft activities and refreshments.

The service at St Mary's Church will be 6.30pm Evening Prayer using the Book of Common Prayer with hymns, canticles and an address.

Longdon Church Choir will be rehearsing at St Mary's Church on Monday (November 17) at 6.30pm (children) and 7pm (adults). New members are always welcome and enquiries should be made to the choir mistress, Wendy Thompson, via Longdon Vicarage on 01684 833256.