Actress Imogen Stubbs officially opened the new sixth-form and performing arts centre at Dyson Perrins CE High School on Tuesday.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from the Diocese of Worcester and Worcestershire County Council, as well as those involved in the design and building of the new block.

Pupils then treated visitors to a performance of dance and music at the new venue. The ceremony continued into the afternoon, when former pupils were invited along to see the facilities.

The building includes a ground-floor performing arts suite, complete with performance area, dance studio and drama studio.

The first floor of the block is the new sixth-form centre, with a common room, private study area, careers suite and two classrooms. Two fully-equipped information technology rooms are also available on the ground floor.

The new block is the second phase of a two-stage £3.1 million development project, along with the refurbishment of the maths and science block.

Tim Hill, an assistant head at the school, said: "We are all extremely pleased with our new facilities. The students think it's fantastic and we are looking forward to future projects."