LIONS Clubs around Britain are well on their way to making more than £7,000 for Children In Need.

The money is being collected by a Rover Road Show, which is making its way around the country this week.

On Monday, it was the turn of Worcester Lions Club, which handed over a cheque for £100, at Startin Rover, Ombersley Road, Worcester.

It was received on behalf of Children In Need by Chichester Lion's president, Des Hodnett, who is travelling more than 2,000 miles around the country with other Chichester Lions in an MG ZT car sponsored by Rowes MG/Rover, of Chichester.

"We are very pleased to be donating to this well-known charity through the event organised by our friends from Chichester," said David Orr, president of Worcester Lions Club.

Mr Hodnett said he was very grateful for the donation.

"Children In Need's aims for children's welfare complement those of Lions International," he said.

President of Worcester Lions, David Orr, and Chichester Lions President, Des Hodnett, watched by other Lions club members.