GARDEN CLUB: The October AGM was held in the United Reformed Church. After a few reports and questions, the committee was re-elected en bloc.

The speaker was Robin Pearce on the subject of Grasses, a variety of specimens were displayed. The speaker is a nurseryman in Worcester, trading as Boarder Companies. He was a horticulturist at ICI before starting his business eight years ago. He now produces organic grasses and sedges.

The competition Three Apples on a Plate was won by Christine Savage, second was Diane Stacey and Patrick Zhwaites was placed as third.

The next meeting will be on Monday at the usual venue but a reception of drinks and light snacks will be held before the lecture starting at 7pm. The speaker will be David Arthey on Desert Parks of SW America and their Flowers. The competition is A Baked Cake (using the show recipe from last September).

This will be the last of the year, the next meeting will be in January next year.