A WOMAN who witnessed a "near miss" between a cyclist and two pedestrians has voiced her concerns at a St Peter's Parish Council meeting.

Chairman Roger Knight, said the issue of pathway markings would be placed on the next parish council agenda after Pat Bunney complained about the problem.

Mrs Bunney, a member of the parish council, said many of the cyclists were men riding to work, and many of the bikes were not equipped with lights.

She said the problem between pedestrians and cyclists was occurring on the pathway from the Norton roundabout to the Ketch roundabout, by Broomhall Way.

"There was a near miss today with an elderly lady with her dog and another lady with a couple of dogs," she said at the meeting.

"The cyclist wove his way around them at 20mph. They just stood there. They were petrified."

She said some of the riders cycled too close to pedestrians, and one had brushed past her sleeve.

After the meeting held on Monday, Mr Knight said the pathway was for pedestrians and cyclists but there was no clear definition on the path which told them which side each should be on.