OUR President Miss Marina Trow welcomed everyone to the AGM, including a new visitor. There were quite a few apologies, and Sylvia Parker, a WI advisor, was there to give us her support.

Bee Flyn gave a short report on the autumn group meeting, which was a great success. Josie Townsend read from the newsletter and gave all our sympathy to Marina on the death of her mother, who had been a WI member and will be greatly missed.

Our Christmas meeting will be a meal at Barnes Close in the evening, which we look forward to. There will be a carol service at Barnes Centre hosted by Rubery WI on December 10 at 2.30pm.

The treasurer's report was given, Josie gave the secretarial report and Marina the president's.

All the committee was re-elected and Marina is our president for another year.

We had refreshments in the form of tea or coffee and apple pie with cream.

To end the evening, Mrs Earp gave us a short talk and slides on adult schools. It was most interesting, especially how long they have existed and the number of which are still going strong. There is one that meets at the Beacon Centre fortnightly.

The meeting ended with the drawing of the raffle.