ANYONE walking or driving in Charford's Grafton Crescent during December cannot fail to spot Bridget Kings' home - which is just as well because people from all over the Midlands travel to Bromsgrove just to see it.

Bridget readily admits to being crackers about Christmas and every year she decorates the outside of her home with thousands of festive lights and animated characters, while the inside is transformed into a fabulous Santa's grotto.

Bridget's fame has spread far beyond Bromsgrove and sightseers from a wide area of the Midlands come to see the lights spectacle.

Each night until Christmas Eve Bridget runs an appointment system for youngsters to see Santa and get a present in return for a donation to her chosen charity, which this year is the George Mitchell Appeal Fund.

"I had just returned from a holiday in Florida and spotted in the Advertiser/Messenger a story about the fund to raise £70,00 to send little George to America for an operation for a rare brain tumour.

"I thought I would give the fund a helping hand, so I'm looking for very generous donations," she said.

And donations from visitors who just want to view the light show will be very welcome.

"Pop your cash in an envelope and put it through the letter box or knock on the door," she added

Parents wanting to make an appointment to see Santa at 9 Grafton Crescent should ring Bridget on 01527 831260. But hurry, Santa's appointments book is filling fast!

And look out for two giant inflatable Disney characters Bridget brought back from the States and which are dominating her garden.