IN the absence of the president, the November meeting, the first of the new WI year, was chaired by vice-president,Jill Gallagher.

Details of a planned visit to Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust near Gloucester in January, when there should be an abundance of wildfowl which flock to Britain for the winter, were announced and names taken. Jenny Williams asked for volunteers for the skittles team, Jill Gallagher announced an exhibition by the Forge Mill Embroiderers, Janet Cottrill gave details of the monthly ramble and Sheila Darby modelled a Maid of the Mist cape worn on her recent WI Canadian holiday when she visited Niagara Falls.

A hilarious talk was given by the guest speaker, Gabriela Leonowiez, on her family background.

Although born and brought up in Wolverhampton, she was the daughter of Polish parents who had come to England when young. Judith Scott gave her report as delegate at the autumn council meeting held at the Evesham Arts Centre in October when delegates had been asked to vote on an emergency resolution regarding the retention of the British hallmarking system which is under threat.

The two guest speakers on that occasion had been Clive Wilkinson, Chief Inspector of Schools in Worcestershire, and Dulcie Lewis, who had written books such as Kent Privies and light heartedly described herself as a social historian.

The monthly competition was won by Jill Gallagher and the flower of the month by Diana Blunn with a lovely nerine lily.

The next meeting will be the Christmas party and will be an American supper. This will be held at Woodfield Middle School on Wednesday, December 10, at 7.30 pm.