NOVEMBER brought the AGM and the news that long-time president Pam Day is taking a year out of committee work because of health


After an appeal for more committee members, one more was recruited, bringing the total to six, and May Lloyd took on the presidency for this year.

WI advisor Janet Clemas gave an interesting talk on the influence of the National Federation on current affairs and representation on various committees at Government level.

The Christmas lunch is booked and 27 names were taken of members and friends who wished to go.

The winning entry in the group meeting competition was on show, together with the Rosebowl - Kingfisher's for six months.

Jackie Grier gave a lively report on the half-yearly council meeting held in October at Evesham.

Flower of the month was won by Jean Lees and the competition by Eileen Harris.

The next meeting will be the Christmas party on December 8. All members and friends welcome.