SIX members of the Redditch and Bromsgrove branch attended the 69th annual Soroptimists International Federation conference in Belfast in October.

More than 6,000 delegates from around the world attended.

Each of the members who was there gave a report on the various presentations and activities at the conference.

Everyone felt that the speakers were of a very high calibre and the technology of the presentation was very good.

The subjects covered were about violence to women, rights of women under Jewish law, trafficking of women, globalisation and poverty and the aims of the speakers was to promote self sufficiency and independence.

There was a mission statement by the Focus Group project for Home and Homes for Children and to try to reunite families and communities and then create a home environment.

President Judith Green reported on the regional functions she had attended.

Programme action officer Helenmary Attewell reported on plans for future fundraising to support charities, The Conductive Education Institute and The Women's Refuge. Many ideas were put forward and hopefully action will soon be taken.