"Midland Pianists on Air", presented by Stourbridge pianist Michael Jones, comprised recordings of broadcasts made by the BBC, most of which were not kept in the archives.

Mr Jones talked about the background of broadcasting in the Midlands.

Lilian Niblette was heard playing Debussy's Reflets dans l'Eau and Etude Symphonique by Schumann, and Tom Bromley playing a Christopher Edmunds piano sonata.

A section on Edna Iles included a recording of an interview with Lyndon Jenkins, and a performance of the finale of Beethoven's third piano concerto.

Marjorie Hazlehurst was heard playing two Mendelssohn studies, and William Fellowes with Russian music and part of Cesar Franck's Symphonic Variations.

The only one of the featured pianists still living, George Mantle Childe, was heard playing a Scarlatti sonata, and transcriptions of Voices of Spring and Trees.

The programme also included duets by Bromley and Childe, including the Bees' Wedding, the scherzo from Suite no 3 by Arensky and music byJ S Bach.