A SCHEME to improve recycling in Wychavon is to be reviewed after just two months because it is not living up to expectations.

The Government initiative, funded by the Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs to the tune of £249,000, provided a total of 20 collection points in the district for glass and paper.

But the microsites, as they are called, have received "rubbish" results so far.

Now the district council is to examine ways in which it can improve the use of the sites, and whether they are in the best locations.

"The sites have not been as successful as we would have liked," said the council's client services manager, Sharon Casswell.

"Therefore, we are looking at them again to see how we can improve this. Are they in the right place? Do we need to advertise them more? Do we need to make them more prominent? These are some of the questions we will be asking over the coming weeks.

"We did have certain targets for the sites, and all I can say is that we are nowhere near meeting these. Glass is doing better than paper, but neither is doing that well.

"Having said that, initiatives like this often have teething problems and we are confident we can turn it around."

While these microsites may not be that successful, however, there is good news elsewhere.

The amount collected from the council's kerbside scheme and recycling banks has been "extremely encouraging".

The Government has set the council a target of recycling 14 per cent of all waste collected. For the last few months it has been hitting 17 per cent, with an average of 65 per cent of residents playing their part.

"These figures go to show that the people of Wychavon are committed to recycling, and are extremely encouraging," added Sharon.

"Now all we need to do is get residents to recycle more of their glass and paper at our microsites."