I FELT I must put pen to paper regarding the show in Priory Park on May 1.

No one can help the awful weather everyone had to cope with, but what has happened to making people feel welcome when they come to support such functions.

First complaint - the group performing in the bandstand, Vo & Co, asked the lady in the tent next to the bandstand not to plug in any electrical things until the electrics had been checked. What did she do; plugged in a tea urn. What happens; power goes off.

No one was on hand to do repairs, which was disappointing, bearing in mind these groups were not getting paid, they just love to entertain. Consequently, the best part of that group could not take part as there was not enough power.

So seven of us went up to (I still call it the Winter Gardens) to get drinks. I wanted cappuccino, it was on the menu board but we were told in not a pleasant manner; 'can't do that, we are too busy'. The three females went to the toilets. Three toilets, no paper.

How can we expert people to patronise anything in Malvern when such things happen.

I worked at the Winter Gardens many moons ago and also ran the swimming pool caf for a number of summers when it was an open-air pool, so I think I know what I'm talking about. What a disappointment and they call it progress. I think not.

BARBARA JAMES, Knapp Way, Malvern.