HAS it occurred to P Buzzard or David Hallmark (You Say, Thursday, April 29), both of whom castigate city councillors for not backing Worcester Football Club's application to build on a greenfield site, that the reason for the councillors' opposition might be that they don't want more of our Green Belt land gobbled up?

Why does this make them "spineless"? Standing firm in the face of abuse and hostility by the football club lobby is anything but spineless and I, for one, applaud councillors for their stand.

I wouldn't mind betting that there are many more people in the city who oppose this application to destroy yet more greenfield sites for profit than there are those who support it.

After all, in terms of the total population of Worcester, there is likely to be relatively few who have an interest in football.

If we continue to nibble away at our countryside, there will come a time when Worcester will have joined up with all the surrounding villages and towns to become one large conurbation. It is a short-sighted and selfish society that is prepared to forfeit our children's legacy for present gains, no matter how laudable and desirable they may be.

