The club gained its first win this century, when they took the Hagley Challenge Trophy on May 4, against stiff opposition from larger clubs such as Handsworth, Bridgnorth, Dudley and Hagley.

The quality of the Stourport photography won the group both print and slide categories.

Around 30 years ago Stourport was one of the most successful clubs in the Midlands, with members having work in international exhibitions, but interest waned and costs increased.

Four years ago the club was down to just 12 members, but a varied programme of club nights, photographic trips and increasing interest in digital photography has seen numbers grow to over 20.

Members range from absolute beginners to people with more than 50 years of photographic experience, all sharing in the fun and pleasure of photography.

Anyone who goes along to the Methodist Church hall, Parkes Passage, Stourport, at 8pm on a Thursday, will be welcome. Telephone 01562 745943 for a programme.