SUMMER has arrived in Cradley, heralded by Christian Aid Week (an excellent charity) commencing with a guided walk followed by cream teas at Mathon, then a coffee morning at Pilgrims with the usual cakes, plants, bring and buy and raffle.

On Thursday, there was the usual feast at Birchwood Lodge, entitled this year as a pudding party; all very well supported.

Then on to Rogation Sunday, what a day! Glorious sunshine, a large congregation to gather first in Mathon Church, then out to the various parts, with a verse, reading, hymn, prayer at the village green; the brook, in the garden, in the meadow and in the churchyard.

We then wended our way to Mathon Village Hall for the Rogation Day Sunday lunch, what a spread. Were you there as the hymn says or did you miss it all? If so, it was your loss.

Tomorrow (Saturday), there is the May Ball at Hollings Farm at 8pm in aid of Cradley new school. Tickets from (01886) 880203/880315 or (01531) 640785.

A date for your diary, the weekend of June 26-27 for the Midsummer musical marathon, 26 hours of non-stop music at Cradley Church. Get a form with details from Mrs Christine Abbott, 1 Kings Orchard, Cradley, WR13 5IJ or telephone (01886) 880650.