THREE members of a parish council have resigned in protest after a councillor who had been suspended for flouting planning regulations was elected as the planning committee's new chairman.

Councillor John Carter had also been re-elected as North Claines Parish Council's vice chairman, on completing a three-month suspension handed down by Wychavon's standards committee in January.

He had been found guilty of failing to declare an interest when opposing a planning application for 27 houses, opposite his own home at Hurst Lane.

That application had been submitted by fellow parish councillor John Jeffrey, who this week resigned, along with Coun Celia Bradnock and Coun Sam Price.

It was eventually rejected by Wychavon District Council on the grounds that part of the proposed development was on Greenbelt land.

Mr Jeffrey told the Evening News: "I voted against Carter becoming chairman and vice-chairman of the planning committee."

"I considered the appointment to be inappropriate and brought the council into disrepute."

Mrs Bradnock said she resigned as a matter of principal.

"I am disappointed to leave the parish council," she said.

Mr Carter declined to comment, but chairman of the council, Paul Coley - who is also vice chairman of the Wychavon District Council standards committee that punished Mr Carter - gave him his support.

"Whenever any councillor is given a three-month suspension he comes back with a clean record," he said.

Councillor Barrie Dobson, who voted in favour of Mr Carter for both positions, also supported him and said he was "glad see the back" of the three who resigned.

"I hope now the council will be in better unity," he said.

"We can now concentrate our efforts on achieving things for the public."