This year Ascension Day is Thursday, May 20. I remember when I was at school we used to go to church in the morning on Ascension Day, and had the rest of the day as a holiday. Nowadays Ascension Day is not even listed on my ordinary calendar!

To Christians, Ascension Day commemorates the occasion when the risen Christ physically left Earth and was taken up into heaven. The view of the universe in those days was that heaven existed beyond the firmament, and so a vision of Christ disappearing up into the clouds would have indicated his destination to the watching disciples. He left because his work on Earth was finished. It was now up to the disciples (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to carry God's message to the whole world.

Part of that message is that we should love our neighbours as ourselves. Given the abuse that still occurs in the world, that message is as relevant today to all of us, as it was to the disciples in the First Century.

Rev Howard K Nichols

Curate, Ledbury Team Ministry.