TENNIS: A dramatic boost to Kidderminster Tennis Club's membership from an open day has set up a bright summer.

The fundraising event for Kemp Hospice has also led to a partnership between the two groups with a dedicated competition for the charity being organised later in the year.

As well as raising £55 for Kemp, the day produced 15 new members to bring the Baxter Gardens club's numbers up to around 75.

The two courts, owned by Wyre Forest District Council, have also recently had a make-over with the committee now considering a bid for floodlighting.

New chairman Peter Young said: "The club had been stagnating a bit for the last few years and it needed a bit of a boost.

"Getting the courts done up has helped and there has been a lot of help and co-operation from the council which was nice. They want the facility to be well used."

Club coach Jo Merrison planned the activities for the day and has courses running for all abilities and ages.

The club are running an adult beginner and rusty racket course which starts on Sunday, June 6, from 10am.

Those aged between 11 and 14 who have played tennis before can hone their skills on a half-term coaching course.

Anyone interested in either can call 07774 693721 or potential new members can head along to the club on Sunday afternoons from 2pm.