I AM writing in respect to a letter published in your newspaper on May 19, headed "Give our children some respect."

Obviously the person who wrote this letter does not live anywhere near any of the youngsters in Bromsgrove, otherwise they would have a totally different perspective on this matter. I have the misfortune of living in Charford.

Only last night I had to call out the fire brigade to a neighbour's property as some youths had seen fit to set fire to the two sheds at the bottom of her garden.

Instead of running away after commiting the offence, they sat, giggled and gloated about their handywork as police officers and fire officers attended to the blaze. Does this sound like "intimidated" youths the author of the letter refers to? I think not!

The residents who have to live amongst these yobs are the intimidated ones. The youngsters are not afraid of the police in any way whatsoever. They have no respect for their parents or the police, or in fact, anyone in authority. There is no discipline at home, school or anywhere. The children know there is nothing anyone can do about their behaviour and they play on this fact.

Perhaps the author of the letter would like to live in Charford for a while and see the intimidation that goes on -- not from the police but by the children themselves against the police, local residents and anyone who happens to pass by.

Name and address witheld