THE lights will be shining at the Waseley Hills Country Park youth carnival this Saturday.

Pupils at South Bromsgrove High School have made illuminated lanterns as part of an art workshop involving Worcester Arts and the county's youth service.

The project involved 30 GCSE arts students, led by artist Kate Brookes, making the lanterns from willow, cane and paper.

Creative youngsters at North Bromsgrove High also got in on the act, making gigantic insects for the carnival. The bugs, made of mainly willow and papier mache, will be lit by torches to bring a night-time glow to the event.

Grace Flellow, the head of art at North, said: "They had a great time making the lanterns. It was challenging, yet enjoyable."

On the night, from 5-6.30pm, there will be circus skills and samba workshops, followed by the long-awaited youth performances.

Then at 9.15pm, the main event kicks off with the carnival and fire performance.

There is limited car parking space, so youth arts development officer Huw Moseley recommends sharing lifts.

"It will be the biggest and best youth event in the district building up to the massive county-wide youth event next year," he said. "We want the whole community of Bromsgrove to come along and support the hard work all the young people have put in."

Coaches will leave from youth centres at Catshill, Rubery, Ryland and Wythall.

Anyone who wants to take the coaches and who is under 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult.

The youth carnival will be drug and alcohol free.