VANDALISM and anti-social behaviour in Wythall and Hollywood were the result of "hardly any amenities", residents claimed at a recent meeting of parish councillors.

At the Wythall meeting on Thursday, May 20, members of the public said a lack of facilities to keep young people occupied was causing the increase in destructive behaviour.

One resident said: "There's not even a park for the little ones, because the council keep demolishing them."

Parish Councillor Dyer said a well-equipped park at Woodrush Drive was removed after numerous residents complained about noise at night.

She said: "Teenagers made a terrible racket, their one joy being to push the chains round and round on the swings at night."

She said there were also 'far more sinister' activities going on at night.

Mrs Dyer added: "The removal of the playground was a tragedy, but we are in a cleft stick, trying to strike a balance between the needs of little ones and stopping these terrible activities."

Wythall Parish Council clerk Pat Harrison later said: "People complain there is nothing for young people to do, but our vandalism problem has nothing to do with lack of amenities.

"When we do have facilities for youngsters they are wrecked."

She said the Parish Council had to abandon renting two parks from Bromsgrove Council two years ago as a result of the cost of repairing damage done to the parks.