GARDENING CLUB: At the May meeting at the memorial hall, David Worthington, a former teacher at Chemlsley Wood School, gave a talk about his experiences of Showing at Chelsea. Currently taking a part-time HNC course at Pershore and running a garden centre at the inner city school where he was head of RE, David said he had been passionate about plants for as long as he could remember. It has been in his capacity as chairman of Hall Green Horticultural Society that he has exhibited at Chelsea several times(together with other society members) in the hanging basket and window box classes, winning several awards on numerous occasions. However in 2002, sponsored by and working with the charity's Living Paintings Trust, the club was able to enter the small garden section. The theme was a 'studio outdoors' and it was good enough to earn the society a silver gilt award. From the slides David used to illustrate his talk, club members were able to see the garden at various stages throughout its construction and all agreed it was well worthy of its award, even beating Prince Charles, who also exhibited that year.

The monthly competition, a flower arrangement in a wine glass, was won by Dorothy Turpitt with Betty Dennis second.

The next meeting on Wednesday, June 23, is a visit to St Egwin's Cottage, Church Lane, Norton. Meet there at 7.30pm, parking in the church car park. For information ring Colin Hill on 01386 853412 or Julia Browning on 01386 830347.