DYLAN Thomas's stream-of-consciousness look at life in a Welsh village clearly retains its hold on the imagination of theatregoers 50 years on.

Tuesday's first night performance at the Festival Theatre was greeted with rapture by a large audience who were enthralled by the Wales Theatre Company's interpretation.

With eight actors using the full range of theatrical skills - voice, choreographed movement, song and mime - there is scarcely a pause for breath as the life of Thomas's irreverently named Llareggub is mapped out.

The real 'star' of Michael Bogdanov's production is the huge sloping platform which represents the main street but also lends a fascinating perspective to the play.

To modern audiences, Under Milk Wood is a stage play, yet however clever the adaptation - and this one is superb - its roots still show. It is a piece for voices and some of my most enjoyable moments on Tuesday were with eyes shut, simply listening to the evocative poetry of this great genius who could make pictures with words as well as almost any writer who ever put pen to paper.

The ensemble scenes are magnificent and the songs provide memorable and moving moments but in this form the second half of the play begins to drag and would benefit from some judicious trimming.

Under Milk Wood runs until Saturday. Box office 01684 892277.