ON Sunday, Parish Communion in St John the Evangelist Church, Pauntley, will be conducted by the rector, the Reverend Patricia Phillips at 9.30am. On June 13 Matins will be at 10.15am and will be conducted by Mrs Jill Bond.

Don't forget the Midsummer Music event on Friday, June 25, at 7.30pm in Pauntley Church. A salmon and strawberries supper afterwards will be served in Pauntley Court. Tickets are available from Pauntley Parochial Church Council members and are £10 each. For catering arrangements it is essential to purchase tickets well in advance. You are assured of an enjoyable evening in delightful surroundings.

There are three future events to report for Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green. There is to be a car treasure hunt on September 13 and a quiz in November. The latter date is still to be decided. However, on Saturday, July 3, there is a skittles evening and ploughman's supper. Proceeds will be for hall funds. Further details will be announced later but note the dates now and support this village amenity.