PAUNTLEY Parish Council has expressed to the Forest of Dean District Council its concern over Merryvale in Pool Hill. Planning permission has been granted for the demolition of the property and redevelopment of the land. The parish council and residents objected strongly to this action. The district council reported that it is unable to prevent the demolition according to current planning regulations.

The school signs for Pool Hill have been replaced with new ones. It is proposed to erect two village signs for Pool Hill, one on Pool Hill Road just before Waldon Court Farm and the other at the green by the Old Chapel and Old Forge. Councillors would like the views of residents on this proposal. The clerk is Mrs L Harding, telephone (01531) 822315.

The annual assembly of the Pauntley parish meeting was held on Monday, May 24, at Pauntley Memorial Hall in Brand Green. The chairman, Councillor B Bainbridge reported on the work of the parish council and gave information on the changes in procedures that have been introduced during the year.

The annual general meeting of Pauntley Memorial Hall Committee, Brand Green, will be held in the hall on Monday at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome and volunteers for the committee will be welcomed. The present committee hopes there will be a good attendance and lots of volunteers so that they can stand down after many years of hard work.

On Sunday, the parish communion will be at 9.30am. The celebrant will be the Reverend Andrew Perry.

The monthly sewing meeting will be held at Waldon Court by kind invitation of Mrs Margaret Hinds on Wednesday, July 7, at 7.30pm.

There is a change of date for the skittles evening. It is now to be on Saturday, July 17 at 7.30pm at Pauntley Memorial Hall in Brand Green. Admission is £5, children under 14 years £2.50. This includes a ploughman's supper and a glass of wine, cider or beer, and soft drinks for the children.