A DROITWICH man shot in Spain has said the ordeal will not deter him from travelling abroad again.

Philip Brown joked that he needed a holiday to recover from the incident - and suggested Iraq might be a good destination.

Mr Brown was on the break with his partner Thelma Haverty and friends, David and Lesley Weaver, when he grappled with a gunman threatening to kill another tourist.

Miss Haverty and Mr Weaver were also shot. All of them are now home and are hoping to make a full recovery.

"I could do with a holiday," laughed Mr Brown, of Hunters Place.

"Although I don't think I would go back to the same place. Maybe Iraq would be safer.

"Seriously, though, we are all relieved to be back again. We are all a bit shook up but are getting back to normal life gradually.

"Everyone has been really supportive and it is good to be among friends and family again."

The locals turned heroes less than 24 hours after arriving on Spain's Costa del Sol.

They were having a drink at Flannagan's Thatch Irish pub, on the outskirts of Marbella when chaos erupted.


A British woman who lives in Spain, began arguing with a British man at a bar. He stormed out but quickly returned with a pistol.

Mr Brown was shot in the groin and lower leg and needed 32 stitches to a head injury after he fell unconscious and banged his head.

Miss Haverty was also shot in the leg, and Mr Weaver in the foot, as he tried to drag his friends away.

"You just don't think about what is happening, you act on impulse," added 50-year-old Mr Brown, who works for distribution group Reality.

"Would I do it again? Well, I think I would, yes. You can't just watch someone shoot another person, can you?"

Police in Spain are still looking for the gunman.