LAST year a conference was held at Malvern Theatres on high-tech battlespace electronic systems, sponsored by leading American and British arms manufacturers.

Many of us in Malvern considered this to be an inappropriate use of our civic theatre. We protested to the theatre's management and demonstrated outside the theatre.

I am appalled now to learn that, in spite of our protests, a similar conference is scheduled to take place this year at the same venue, from September 27-29.

The subject is again high tech electronic systems co-ordinating land, sea, air and space sectors of the battlespace to enhance strike capability. These systems were used in last year's contentious Iraq invasion. Sponsors again include leading American, French and British armaments manufacturers.

In a world where millions live in abject poverty and deprivation, I find it repugnant that highly skilled human resources and vast sums of money are being channelled into the development of ever more lethal offensive battlespace technology. I also find this use of our cherished civic theatre - with its association with the Malvern conference - to be grotesquely inappropriate.

We will again have a presence outside the theatres on the opening day of the conference to register our opposition. Like-minded Malvern residents are invited to join us.

JOE STURGE, Cowleigh Road, Malvern.