THERE could be plenty of drama when Anne Lanyon Hogg is ordained and joins the team at the Church of St James, Colwall.

A drama and RE teacher at St James's School, West Malvern, where she is also the school chaplain, Mrs Lanyon-Hogg played God in the Colwall Mystery Plays.

She has also written successful plays for the Saturday morning children's theatre at Swan Theatre, Worcester.

After studying at Worcester Girls' Grammar School and St Anne's College, Oxford, she spent a large part of her working life in the book world and opened Websters book shop (now Waterstones) in Worc-ester High Street.

Married to David, with two sons, Luke and Thomas, she lives in West Malvern and has been teaching for 12 years.

For the next three days she will be in prayer, worship and study at the Bishop's Palace in Hereford, with eight other candidates for ordination at Hereford Cathedral on Sunday.

Just one man is among those due to be ordained by the new Bishop of Hereford, the Right Reverend Anthony Priddis.

They include three teachers, a chiropodist, a supermarket assistant, a student and a health visitor.

Nicky Seabright, the health visitor, is a keen bellringer and her husband, Frank, will be ringing at the Cathedral on Sunday especially for the ordination service.

Mrs Seabright will join the Ledbury Team Ministry with two other new ordinands, Judy Scholefield and Christine Mundell.

"It's the largest number of ordinands for quite a few years," said Mary Lou Toop, director of ordinands for the diocese.

She said the three days of preparation away from their families would allow the candidates to concentrate on their commitment to the ministry.

"It will be an opportunity for them to meet the new bishop and for him to get to know his newest recruits.

"On a lighter note, they will be trying on their new vestments," she said.