HERE goes D E Margrett again (You Say, June 23).

He tells us that the UKIP is a useless bunch of fanatics. Is this more of the usual D E Margrett or has he some positive evidence on which he bases this statement?

If he was talking about New Labour then it would make perfect sense and there is more than enough evidence to prove it.

However, it must be said that it is Kilroy-Silk who has put the UKIP on the map and not their leader.

What has he had to say? Anything on anything? Oh, by the way, does anyone know who their leader is? I think all those that voted for UKIP were not voting for a party but were desperately trying to tell the other parties something.

Not that Tony Blair will listen, for he could not care less what the electorate thinks. Have we not already got a clown for a PM? He has continually and systematically downgraded the UK until it is little wonder that everything but everything is in turmoil and that we have a binge- drinking yob culture society?

Did not Tony Blair lower the entry standards for police forces? Did he not, four years ago, abandon the entry standards (2As plus 5 GCSEs) for staff working on asylum matters in the Home Office?

The recent total mess has caused them to be re-instated. Has he not put pressure on universities to lower examination standards to the extent that degrees are all but given away like sweets?

Has he not just lowered, for the third year running, the pass standard in the national English test for 11-year-olds? If equality is wanted then let it be achieved by upgrading, not downgrading.

Could we not find a party that would put the UK back on its feet - its own feet with its own government from Westminster and nowhere else. Let us regain the UK that we once had.

E F SHOWELL, Fernhill Heath.