WORCESTER residents are being urged to root out their old business shares to raise money for charity.

St Richard's Hospice, based in Rose Hill, is asking kind-hearted members of the public to donate any unwanted shares to the charity.

"There are many people who hold small quantities of shares which have a low value," said Tricia Cavell, community fund-raising manager,

"These are often not worth selling so we are asking people to donate them instead.

''Everyone's small amount of shares could make a big difference."

St Richard's is working with ShareGift, the charity share donation scheme which specialises in accepting small holdings of shares, collecting them until there are enough to sell and using the proceeds to make charitable donations.

"Of course, we also accept, and are grateful for, large gifts of shares," added Tricia.

To find our more information, or to request an leaflet which explains how to donate, call Tricia on 01905 763963