I WISH to respond to Mrs Hay's letter "Decision has left me in despair" (Advertiser, 22nd September) about that honoured, Redditch-Studley tradition. Yes, I'm referring to that damned bypass.

I've got nothing against the people of Studley. I've even met and talked to a couple of them.

No, I only have trouble with the few individuals who keep trying to drive a bypass through my back garden.

My favourite point of Mrs Hays is: "The Studley bypass might affect a few hundred people in Redditch, if built, but it affects the lives of thousands of Studley residents by not being built."

Excuse me, but what is this? "Lesser of Two Evils Day"?

I accept the residents of Studley are inconvenienced by the lack of a bypass but not one that just shifts the traffic onto Redditch.

There's land to the east but will Studley accept this? No, there's more chance of a hamster becoming Prime Minister.

She suggests Redditch residents set up the Campaign for Redditch Against Progress (CRAP). I suggest she writes to the STudley Opinions Page for Women who Have Issues with New Ideas and Not Getting their own way. (STOP WHINING).

Morgan J Taylor

Batsford Close
