PLANNING officers are due to recommend approval today for a new hospital and medical centre in Pershore despite concerns from neighbours about traffic flow.

The site, within the grounds of Pershore's Civic Centre, is to include a 26 bed cottage hospital and a general practice for 13 doctors.

The project is a joint venture between Wychavon District Council and Worcestershire Primary Care Trust, and is planned to replace the cottage hospital on the other side of town along Defford Road.

The district council has received letters of objection to the new hospital off Queen Elizabeth Drive from nearby residents who are concerned about increased traffic congestion and noise.

They also fear security problems in the event of a terrorist attack with the civic centre, police and a new hospital all located on one site.

Planning officers are recommending the plans for approval subject to the highways department unit being satisfied that the proposal would not unacceptably affect traffic flows and adequate car parking provision.