ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WOMENS SECTION: On Tuesday evening, October 5, the women's section of the RBL held their AGM at Wulstan Hall.

The meeting opened with the exhortation and silent tribute given by chairman Wendy Griffiths, who welcomed the county treasurer, Mrs B Duckett and members to the meeting.

After the business side of the evening, refreshments were served, followed by the monthly draw and raffle.

Branch meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at Wulstan Hall, Priest Lane. New members and visitors are welcome.

LADIES' GUILD: Pershore Ladies' Guild members enjoyed a talk with slides at the beginning of their October meeting. It was given by Ian Mackintosh, who explained the history through 400 years of Stroud Water Textiles. Members heard that phrases often used today, such as 'dyed in the wool', to be 'on tenterhooks' and 'been through the mill' originated from mill workings. Mrs O Hendrick gave the vote of thanks.

Later, Mrs Lockhart reminded members about the Christmas lunch to be held on December 9 at the Railway Inn, costing £11.50, also the outing to Birmingham Symphony Hall on October.

Best wishes have been sent to Mesdames Wilkinson, Cole and Mott who are not well. Letters of thanks had been received from Mrs Gosney, who is now much better and Miss E Moore, who is now back at home.

New members Mrs Pat Shakespeare and J Kirk were welcomed.

The chairman announced that the recent wine and nibbles evening had been a success, when the indomitable Polly Vacher returned to Pershore to give a talk on her second flight round the world in her single-engine plane, and £650 was raised for the charity Flying Scholarships for the Disabled in aid of which Polly had made both flights. She recounted some of the highlights and adventures to an audience, which included the Mayor and Mayoress, councillor and Mrs Parsons. A raffle raised £150 and the Guilded Lilies provided the entertainment.

Mrs Lockhart warmly thanked all those who had supported the event and read a letter she had received from Polly Vacher, who said she was amazed at the size of the amount raised and thanked everyone for their generosity, and added how much she had enjoyed the evening. Thanks were expressed to June Herbert for organising the entertainment.

Mrs Brown reported that at their recent meeting, the Literary Appreciation Group had discussed the book Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.

The sale table raised £16.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 2 in Wulstan Hall at 2pm, when Paul McGuire will talk about My Life as a Butlin's Redcoat. The sales table will be Christmas goods.

New members and visitors are welcome.