IN Iraq a man sat in an orange jump suit for three long weeks of despair, caged and shackled with chains, charged with no crime, without legal support or proper contact with his family and all the time in fear of his inevitable, despicable death at the hands of madmen.

We all deeply mourn for him and his family.

In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, men sit in orange jump-suits, caged and shackled with chains, uncharged after three long years, without proper legal support and in sparse contact with their families.

And this is whilst all the time in fear of their possible, brutal death in front of a firing squad.

You and I, Journal readers, as members of Mr Blair's Coalition, are responsible for the conditions in which these men are being held.

Those men must be pleased to know that none of us are madmen!

M T PARKER, Main Street,
