A CHARITY is to run its first ever support group in Worcester for bereaved grandparents whose grandchild has died of a life-limiting condition.

The move, which will be Acorns Children's Hospice's first ever group of its kind in the UK, follows research into the needs of grandparents who have either lost, or face the loss, of a grandchild.

The first meeting of the Acorns' Grandparents Group is due to be held on Wednesday, October 20.

Acorns' head of research and development Erica Brown said: "We have spent time looking at the role grandparents play and also at the needs they have.

"We have also evaluated what support grandparents are offered at other children's hospices.

"We have found the grandparents usually play a huge role in caring for a life-limited child and at times they can be the main carer.

"Our research has also highlighted the enormous grief experienced by grandparents who have to face the fact that their grandchild has a life-limiting illness or has died.

"Not only are they grieving for their grandchild, they are also grieving for their own adult child who is the child's parent.

"We hope this group will give grandparents a chance to offer each other support, build friendships and talk about their shared experiences.

"Our first meeting will also be a chance for us to consult grandparents about the structure of the group and the best ways of offering support."

The charity is currently in the process of building a £4m hospice in Bath Road, near Worcester city centre, which will provide care and support for more than 250 life-limited youngsters from Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

Acorns now needs to raise a final £750,000 to turn the house into a home, buying fittings and equipment to furnish the state-of-the-art hospice.

The 10-bed unit will include a hydrotherapy pool, multi-sensory rooms and family rooms, as well as facilities for young children and teenagers and is due to be completed by December, welcoming families early next year.

There is no charge to families for the services Acorns provides and it will cost more than £1m a year to run the hospice.

For more information about the charity or to make a donation call 01905 767676 or visit www.acorns.org.uk